Kollektion Kinder

Machen Sie die Mahlzeiten Ihrer Kinder zu freudigen Momenten mit unserer Kinderkollektion aus Vinyl-Tischsets in kräftigen Farben und verspielten Designs. Diese leicht zu reinigenden Tischsets sind sowohl für Spaß als auch für Funktionalität konzipiert und eignen sich perfekt, um Ihren Tisch mit einer lustigen Note zu verschönern und jede Mahlzeit zu einem herrlichen Abenteuer für Ihre Kleinen zu machen.
22 Produkte werden angezeigt
Tischset Happy Yellow
Tischset Happy Yellow
Tischset Happy Mint
Tischset Happy Mint
Tischset Happy Blue
Tischset Happy Blue
Tischset Happy Green
Tischset Happy Green
Tischset Happy Yellow II
Tischset Happy Yellow II
Tischset Happy Red
Tischset Happy Red
Tischset Funny Faces I
Tischset Funny Faces I
Tischset Funny Faces II
Tischset Funny Faces II
Tischset Funny Faces III
Tischset Funny Faces III
Tischset Funny Faces IV
Tischset Funny Faces IV
Tischset Funny Faces V
Tischset Funny Faces V
Tischset Funny Faces VI
Tischset Funny Faces VI
Tischset Funny Mix
Tischset Funny Mix
Tischset Happy Flowers 1
Tischset Happy Flowers 1
Tischset Happy Flowers 2
Tischset Happy Flowers 2
Tischset Maze
Tischset Maze
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like Super Boy. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Tischset Super Boy
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like Super Girl. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Tischset Super Girl
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like À table. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Tischset À table
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like What’s for dinner? These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Tischset What's for dinner?
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like On mange quoi. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Tischset On Mange Quoi
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like Power Food. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Tischset Power Food