Sets de table pour enfants

Découvrez notre univers ludique pour les enfants avec nos sets de table de la collection enfants. Décorez vos repas de famille avec des sets de table colorés qui non seulement protègent votre table mais suscitent également la joie et la créativité de vos tout-petits. Ces sets de table en vinyle ne sont pas seulement des accessoires ; ils sont votre ingrédient secret pour des repas de famille ludiques.

Nos sets de table en vinyle pour enfants fabriqués à la demande feront la joie de vos enfants, apporteront une touche originale et surtout fonctionnelle.

Faciles à nettoyer et respectueux des meubles, ils embellissent votre table tout en protégeant vos surfaces lorsque les enfants mangent !

Affichage de 21 produits
Set de table Happy Yellow II
Set de table Happy Yellow II
Set de table Happy Yellow
Set de table Happy Yellow
Set de table Happy Red
Set de table Happy Red
Set de table Happy Green
Set de table Happy Green
Set de table Happy Mint
Set de table Happy Mint
Set de table Happy Blue
Set de table Happy Blue
Set de table Funny Mix
Set de table Funny Mix
Set de table Funny Faces VI
Set de table Funny Faces VI
Set de table Funny Faces V
Set de table Funny Faces V
Set de table Funny Faces IV
Set de table Funny Faces IV
Set de table Funny Faces III
Set de table Funny Faces III
Set de table Funny Faces II
Set de table Funny Faces II
Set de table Funny Faces I
Set de table Funny Faces I
Set de table Happy Flowers 2
Set de table Happy Flowers 2
Set de table Happy Flowers 1
Set de table Happy Flowers 1
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like Super Boy. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Set de table Super Boy
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like Super Girl. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Set de table Super Girl
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like Power Food. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Set de table Power Food
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like À table. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Set de table À table
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like What’s for dinner? These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Set de table What's for dinner?
Playful dining experiences with our Kids Collection Placemats. Elevate your family meals with colorful placemats that not only protect your table but also spark joy and creativity in your little ones. Crafted with love and humor, our placemats feature funny designs and whimsical words like On mange quoi. These placemats are not just accessories; they're your secret ingredient for delightful family dinners.
Set de table On mange quoi